Kyle Pasalskyj is an Australian photographer living and working in Melbourne.

As a photographer, Kyle founded Valley & Peak, a brand that has become a leading name in Victoria’s wedding photography scene, handling an average of 50 weddings per year.

In his role as a Digital Imaging Advocate with Sony Australia, Kyle plays a pivotal educational role, leading workshops and speaking at various events. His contributions have helped inform Sony’s professional camera strategy. He has been involved in key initiatives, such as the inaugural “Kando” event in Port Douglas and a 28-day photography program in Antarctica. His work has received international acclaim, notably being featured in Apple’s ‘Shot on iPhone’ campaign in 2018, which showcased his skill in capturing compelling imagery with everyday technology. Esteemed publications like Condé Nast Traveller, BuzzFeed, The Age, and The Herald Sun have also highlighted his work.

Collaborating with high-profile entities, Kyle has worked with Roadshow Films, photographing Australian cinema icons such as Cate Blanchett and Eric Bana, and captured moments for the radio program Fifi, Nick & Fev’s “Married by Monday.”

His core skills are diverse and finely honed. Kyle possesses masterful expertise in various photography styles, focusing on creativity and innovation. He is highly skilled in digital imaging and photo editing, consistently delivering top-quality results across all projects. His technological proficiency ensures he stays up-to-date with the latest photography technologies and trends. Kyle’s experience with global assignments and brand collaborations is extensive, notably contributing to significant campaigns for Sony and Apple. His business leadership and resilience have been particularly evident during challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic. Proficient in educational roles and public speaking, Kyle effectively engages diverse audiences with a wealth of knowledge in digital imaging. His customer-focused and detail-oriented approach guarantees that client needs are always a priority, ensuring perfection in every project aspect. Lastly, his skill in networking and building strategic relationships has been crucial in forming and maintaining connections with high-profile individuals and brands.

His journey as a photographer also played a pivotal role in his personal life, leading him to meet his wonderful wife, Selena. Moreover, it has provided him with the flexibility needed to be an engaged and present father to their two boys, Noah & Eddie, balancing his passion for photography with family.

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